Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a baby anymore!

So this week has been a big week for Turner (and for Mommy and Daddy too)!

They started transitioning her into the Toddler Room at school. There are some big changes from going from the Beginners Room into the world of the Toddlers.

First one is that before the Beginners would eat all their meals and snacks in their room at their own table. But now in the Toddlers room they eat in the cafeteria. At first Turner was a little unsure, I think mainly because there were a lot of other people in the cafeteria as well. But after Monday, she did great in the cafeteria.

But the biggest change is that they get to sit on the POTTY a few times a day. That is a HUGE thing in her world. Because before Monday, she had never sat on the potty before. She, of course, freaked out at first. First her new teacher tried to make her go into a small room with this thing that kind of looks like a chair but isn't a chair. It can be very scary for a 21 month old. But slowly as the week went on, she got used to the room. And yesterday (Wednesday 1/14), she SAT on the potty TWICE! Didn't do anything on it but she sat on it! Big step in her little world!

It helps that her and her BFF (at school) Avery are back together.

She has been spending half days over there and Friday she will be spending all day there and if she does so well, come Monday she will be there full time.

Since she is now big girl at school, I went a bought her a potty for the house. It's a pretty pink one. Hasn't had a chance to sit on it yet, but I am sure she will this weekend.

So first no more pluggie and now a potty....where has my baby gone???? I know this is harder on me and Aaron than it is on her. We are having so much fun with her right now and she is at such a great age. I just wish time would slow down!!

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