Monday, March 23, 2009

Outdoor Play

We have been having fun playing outside with our new slide toy (thanks Brooke!) and bubbles! The weather has been beautiful! Here are some highlights of Turner playing outside.

Playing on her new slide - and hamming it up for the camera

What almost 2 year-old doesn't LOVE bubbles!

Looking so innocent!

Chasing Bubbles - looking so much like a big girl in this picture!

Definitely a Mommy's girl this past weekend!

My two kids - Marty looking up and wanting to chase the airplane!

Marty after rolling around in the grass! Yes, it took awhile to get all the grass out of his hair.

Looking forward to more fun times with this beautiful weather! Now just hoping the pollen goes away very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great new pictures. I love that you changed the top one ~ it looks great!

    I also really like your new background. Hope you're having fun discovering the joys of blogspot!
